Stranger in a Strange Land
Tales of a Year Abroad

A Quickie...

Ack! Egads! Its been a MONTH since my last update. Here's the low down on what's been going down.
  • Its hot... like over 100F hot these days. As a result, the library Steve is doing research in has shifted to summer hours. Poor Steve now has to get up at 7 a.m. to make it to the library by 8 a.m. as it closes at 1 p.m. Though I think he's beginning to suspect that they'd let him stay longer if he wanted. Me, I try to get up at get things like shopping and house work done by Noon as our apartment starts to feel like the inside of a slow-cooker around 11 a.m. So far, I've been mildly successful as the cool, air-conditioned atmosphere of the bedroom is a sweet, sweet siren.
  • Aunt Sarah and Cousin Courtney never made it to India for Spring Break thanks to the stupid, unpronounceable Icelandic volcano. Steve and I found the strength to soldier on, however, and visited Goa (northern part of southern India) which is heavily influenced by Christianity and dirty hippies and Jaipur (where I lived with my host family the last time I was here). Pictures posted on the blog if you'd like to see our brave efforts to soldier through.
  • I recently published a piece in Fringe Magazine. Read it here. I'm researching a new book idea that involves the Chinese in the old west. Its a bit more along the "speculative" fiction vein BUT isn't hardcore sci-fi.
  • We recently saw The Hurt Locker and How to Train Your Dragon. Both were excellent and receive 4 out of 5 stars from me.
Other than that, not much to report from this front. A "for real" blog post will be up by Sunday! Pictures of Goa/Jaipur trip should be up and functioning now.


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Visions of India

For more pictures, visit my Photobucket album!

Hodgepodge and Miscellany

The land of dreams and romance, of fabulous wealth and fabulous poverty, of splendour and rags, of palaces and hovels, of famine and pestilence, of genii and giants and Alladin lamps, of tigers and elephants, the cobra and the jungle, the country of hundred nations and a hundred tongues, of a thousand religions and two million gods, cradle of the human race, birthplace of human speech, mother of history, grandmother of legend, great-grandmother of traditions, whose yesterday's bear date with the modering antiquities for the rest of nations-the one sole country under the sun that is endowed with an imperishable interest for alien prince and alien peasant, for lettered and ignorant, wise and fool, rich and poor, bond and free, the one land that all men desire to see, and having seen once, by even a glimpse, would not give that glimpse for the shows of all the rest of the world combined.
- Mark Twain

In India, I found a race of mortals living upon the Earth, but not adhering to it, inhabiting cities, but not being fixed to them, possessing everything, but possessed by nothing.
- Appolonius Tyanaeus

If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India.
-Romain Rolland