Ack! Egads! Its been a MONTH since my last update. Here's the low down on what's been going down.

- Its hot... like over 100F hot these days. As a result, the library Steve is doing research in has shifted to summer hours. Poor Steve now has to get up at 7 a.m. to make it to the library by 8 a.m. as it closes at 1 p.m. Though I think he's beginning to suspect that they'd let him stay longer if he wanted. Me, I try to get up at get things like shopping and house work done by Noon as our apartment starts to feel like the inside of a slow-cooker around 11 a.m. So far, I've been mildly successful as the cool, air-conditioned atmosphere of the bedroom is a sweet, sweet siren.
- Aunt Sarah and Cousin Courtney never made it to India for Spring Break thanks to the stupid, unpronounceable Icelandic volcano. Steve and I found the strength to soldier on, however, and visited Goa (northern part of southern India) which is heavily influenced by Christianity and dirty hippies and Jaipur (where I lived with my host family the last time I was here). Pictures posted on the blog if you'd like to see our brave efforts to soldier through.
- I recently published a piece in Fringe Magazine. Read it here. I'm researching a new book idea that involves the Chinese in the old west. Its a bit more along the "speculative" fiction vein BUT isn't hardcore sci-fi.
- We recently saw The Hurt Locker and How to Train Your Dragon. Both were excellent and receive 4 out of 5 stars from me.
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