WARNING! If you are weak of stomach, or gross out easily, please skip this post. The pictures below include a bit of, urm, carnage. Lets just say, the pigeons that lived in the box on the porch (when we moved in, we inherited a box full of mostly-grown pigeon babies) had an unfortunate (but not inconceivable--cause, really, a box on a porch does not a good nest make!) run-in with some sort of small hawk who posed for a few shots with his/her... prize. I was inside, about two-three feet away from the hawk as it first guarded its catch from the crows, then devoured it. While a bit too much live-action Animal Planet, it really was an interesting study in how adaptable wildlife is to human sprawl.
February 7, 2010 at 7:56 PM
Oh WOW! He is BEAUTIFUL! These are amazing pictures. They really do adapt to human surrounding.
February 16, 2010 at 6:26 AM
Are you KIDDING me?!?!! This is part amazing and part horrible! I'm in awe, yet also disgusted. Thanks for sharing! :)
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