Greetings from sunny Ahmedabad, Gujarat India!
I suspect most of you who have found this blog did so because you are family or friends. If you're neither family nor (technically) friend, welcome and I hope you read something that tickles your funny bone, evokes some sort of reaction/emotion, or enlightens you to a world beyond your own.
This blog hopes to accomplish many things. It is a space for me to record my exploits, observations, and thoughts as this year progresses and unfolds. It is a space for my family and friends to keep a watchful eye on me. It is a chronicle of my adventure in this magnificently foreign land.
I will try to be as truthful and fair as possible; I will try to be as accurate as perception allows. I will try to be equally informative and entertaining. My only request of you, dear reader (whomever you are) is that you keep an open mind and heart.
So once again, namaste--hello and welcome!
January 23, 2010 at 10:35 PM
Tina, have an amazing time my friend. I'll be thinking of you.
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